Cloud benefits: Recover quickly after a natural disaster

Calamities such as severe hurricanes and earthquakes usually grind communities and the businesses within them to a prolonged halt. Many data-reliant companies that use backups would still have trouble because they keep their storage on-site or nearby. The key to surviving such catastrophic circumstances is to have backups in a safe place: the cloud. Here’s why:

Your recovery facility will most likely be unaffected

As long as you have an internet connection, you can tap into cloud backups to get back up and running in no time. In fact, the cloud allows you to access apps and data anywhere you are, so if you ever need to relocate, you can do so quickly and easily. 

You’ll have the latest data

Depending on how frequently you create cloud backups, you can have the latest copy of your data when you need it. Some data only need to be backed up daily, after everyone’s shift is over, while other types of data have to be saved as soon as they’ve been updated. Your cloud provider can help identify your needs so you won’t have outdated data after a natural disaster.

You can use the amount of cloud storage space you need when you need it

While some cloud vendors provide unlimited data storage, a more affordable option is to scale up or down as your needs change. During a calamity, business slows down, so you won’t need as much storage and bandwidth as you normally would. You can therefore shift financial and human resources more toward disaster recovery efforts instead. 

You can rebuild your entire IT infrastructure on the cloud

Thanks to virtualization, you can have software versions of IT hardware such as servers, networking devices, and storage. This means that if you have a physical server in your office, and it goes down, a new one can be activated in a remote data center. Then, if you have your operating system (OS), apps, and files backed up in the cloud, you can run your systems entirely on the cloud. No need to buy or set up any new hardware in the short term.  

You’ll definitely save on costs

Keeping data backups in-house requires expensive machines that eat up electricity and require constant monitoring, occasional hardware repairs and maintenance, and continual software updates. Cloud service providers, on the other hand, take on the infrastructure spending and spread the costs across many clients, making backups very affordable for small businesses. Considering how it could take years before your business would even need to tap your backups, the cloud is by far the most cost-efficient way to ensure data security against natural and man-made disasters. 

You’re assured of data security and regulations compliance

Premier cloud service providers are not only able to implement the latest protective measures for their clients’ data, but they’d also be well-versed in industry- and location-specific data security standards. For instance, the latest health information is crucial for patients in emergency wards, so robust cloud-based backup systems can literally save lives when local data storage is shut down during a blackout.
When it comes to data backups, never put your eggs in one basket. Contact SimplyClouds to take advantage of disaster recovery capabilities and everything else the cloud can do for your business. 

Categories: Cloud benefits, Digital transformation, Server virtualization, Disaster recovery, Cybersecurity