zero trust cloud security framework

Zero trust cloud security framework; why you need it

2022 was a year of significant data breaches, and some of them may have even affected businesses in Campbell, California. One look at the top breaches last year shows that even well-known companies are not safe from cyberattacks. These include Twitter, Uber, and MediBank to name a few. [...]

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Public cloud vs colocation: Which is better for your business?

Hosting your own servers in your office has plenty of benefits, especially in terms of data security, but doing so can be severely prohibitive. Besides spending on the upfront cost of necessary hardware and software, you’ll have to budget for repairs, maintenance, upgrades, and the possibility of hiring additional personnel who will manage your machines. What’s more, servers take up space, consume electricity, and require cooling to function properly.

Business owners looking to avoid these issues usually have two options: the public cloud or colocation. [...]

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data backup tips

6 top data backup tips for 2021

Industry experts predict that ransomware attacks, a frequent cause of significant business data loss and downtime, will happen about six times a minute in 2021. Unfortunately, the increasing popularity of remote work will likely make things worse. This is because although the practice has been instrumental in many businesses’ survival during the coronavirus pandemic, it can also open large gaps in a company’s IT security. [...]

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Tips to secure your business cloud storage

The ability to access company data from any internet-connected device enables American businesses to enjoy remote working setups during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this convenience also makes it easy for cybercriminals to access your sensitive files using any device, even those they may have stolen from you or your staff. [...]

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cloud security

Top practices to ensure cloud security

Cybersecurity is a business aspect that managers in America understandably often put on the back burner. They want to focus on operations — and preventing data breaches is a complicated distraction they’d rather have someone else take care of. [...]

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