Developing a multicloud strategy that works

As with any effective business solution, cloud offerings don’t come in one-size-fits-all packages. Different cloud solutions solve different business needs, which is why it’s no longer unusual to find companies that use many clouds from different vendors. While being able to stick to one cloud is good if your business really needs only one, going for a multicloud approach might very well be necessary for yours. Here are a few tips to consider before implementing such a strategy.

[If you’re unfamiliar with what the cloud is and don’t know why you’d want to adopt it for your business in the first place, download our free eBook to learn more.]

Determine what you’ll be using each cloud for

There are businesses that just need a simple type of cloud for storing and backing up their data, whereas firms that create their own apps use a more sophisticated cloud as a platform to design and test their software.
To help you determine the type or types of cloud your business truly needs, consult with our experts at SimplyClouds. We’ve worked with many clients across completely different industries, so we are familiar with many of the concerns you may have. And even when we’re confronted with new business models and new operational challenges, we can assess your requirements and propose the simplest and most cost-effective cloud solution for you, be it a multicloud one or not.

Create a strategy for moving data across clouds

Implementing a multicloud strategy often requires having to migrate data between clouds. This process requires specialists and commonly involves the following steps:
●      Identify the data you need to migrate
●      Stagger the process in stages, especially when your datasets are large
●      Monitor the progress of the migration process
●      Train your staff on how to use the new multicloud setup

Watch out for vendor lock-in

Going multicloud helps prevent your business from being locked into a single cloud provider, but only insofar as distinct providers offer the same services. One provider might offer more economical prices, whereas the other might justify higher prices with faster processing speeds. However, in areas where providers don’t overlap, there remains the risk of vendor lock-in.

You need guidance from experts to help you mitigate the risk of becoming overly reliant on just one or two cloud providers in your multicloud setup.

Implement backups

For every cloud environment you deploy, never let mission-critical data have no backup protocols. No one can foresee if a flash flood will obliterate one of the data centers your business relies upon, so it’s a good insurance policy to have backups. These will let you resume work on your projects with as little data lost as possible.

Everything we discussed so far is just a taste of what is actually involved in implementing a successful multicloud strategy. To know whether or not this or a single cloud fits your business — and get excellent cloud planning and execution services — contact SimplyClouds today.

Further reading — how the cloud helps businesses in different industries:

●     Cloud technology helps small manufacturing firms

●     How Microsoft Azure cloud service improves healthcare

●     Cloud computing in educational services

Categories: Cloud backup, Cloud migration, Multicloud