need a server

When will your business need a server?

There are many types of server programs. The most common are file servers, database servers, web servers, email servers, print servers, app servers, and game servers. When you consider that one server device can hold many server programs, and that one server program can serve multiple clients, that device has to be considerably more powerful than your consumer-grade PC. This also means that a server device (hereafter called “server”) is more expensive, consumes more electricity, and will require more monitoring, maintenance, and repair than regular computers down the line.

Question is, when will your business need that much more power? Here are a few cases where the use of a server is warranted: [...]

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Healthcare providers need cloud-based identity management

Healthcare providers need cloud-based identity management

When it comes to protected health information (PHI), health professionals and their partners walk a fine line between giving authorized parties immediate access to it and blocking everyone else. Data accessibility via the cloud allows doctors from practically any hospital to be immediately informed about critical patient information. If, for instance, a person gets into a car accident and is knocked unconscious, that person can’t say which medicine they are fatally allergic to or if they have legally issued a Do Not Resuscitate order for themselves. In cases such as these, accessing PHI quickly is critical. [...]

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