cybersecurity trends

Cybersecurity trends in 2021

As a business owner or manager, you do not want to be caught unawares of developments that may endanger your company.

These emerging data security threats are turning out to be ones that organizations must not waste time preparing for. [...]

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why a hybrid cloud is great for SMBs

Why a hybrid cloud is great for SMBs

Considering how uncertain times are these days, you must calculate how every decision will affect your small- to medium-sized business (SMB). How much money will that decision cost? What do you stand to gain from it? Does it pose any risks? This is true even when you’re considering investing in the cloud. [...]

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hosted desktops help secure remote workers

Hosted desktops help secure remote workers

Remote work may have helped keep some businesses alive during the pandemic, but implementing it does have consequences. One particularly worrisome risk of remote work is how it can make your business more susceptible to different cyberthreats. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to protect your data. One of these is by using hosted desktops. [...]

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common hybrid cloud challenges

Overcoming common hybrid cloud challenges

Many businesses have successfully adopted a hybrid cloud and are enjoying the scalability, customizability, and security it offers, but that doesn’t mean moving to such an environment is a walk in the park. In reality, the various steps and aspects of moving to a hybrid cloud may present challenges you need to address early, lest they make managing your infrastructure more difficult later on.

These are the usual challenges with adopting and managing a hybrid cloud and how you can tackle them: [...]

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benefits of cloud automation

What are the benefits of cloud automation?

Managing and operating your cloud resources is tedious and time-consuming. For example, you must implement load balancing so incoming network traffic is distributed for optimum network performance. You also need to ensure that cloud resources are provisioned properly so you don’t pay for idle resources. These and other tasks can divert your IT staff’s time away from high-value projects. Thanks to the benefits of cloud automation, many cloud tasks can be taken off the hands of your IT team. [...]

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