resilient IT systems

Ensure resilient IT systems with your cloud providers

The more complex a system is, the more ways it has of failing. Let’s look at an automobile: if a tire blows out while it’s going fast, then the car can spin out of control and crash. The same tragic outcome could happen if the brakes fail. And when a vehicle has a drained battery or fuel tank, it would become an oversized paperweight. [...]

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shift to cloud computing

A shift to cloud computing calls for a shift in business mindset

Much like how plants rely on root fungi for mineral uptake and bees for pollination, businesses form mutually beneficial relationships to drive growth. One such relationship is outsourcing — and using the cloud is a prime example of this. When you utilize cloud resources, you rely on a cloud services provider (CSP) for IT resources and services instead of on your own machines and manpower.

Such a dramatic shift in operations requires business owners and managers to rethink the way they operate. [...]

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data backup tips

6 top data backup tips for 2021

Industry experts predict that ransomware attacks, a frequent cause of significant business data loss and downtime, will happen about six times a minute in 2021. Unfortunately, the increasing popularity of remote work will likely make things worse. This is because although the practice has been instrumental in many businesses’ survival during the coronavirus pandemic, it can also open large gaps in a company’s IT security. [...]

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Public cloud vs colocation: Which is better for your business?

Hosting your own servers in your office has plenty of benefits, especially in terms of data security, but doing so can be severely prohibitive. Besides spending on the upfront cost of necessary hardware and software, you’ll have to budget for repairs, maintenance, upgrades, and the possibility of hiring additional personnel who will manage your machines. What’s more, servers take up space, consume electricity, and require cooling to function properly.

Business owners looking to avoid these issues usually have two options: the public cloud or colocation. [...]

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disaster recovery strategy

Use virtualization to boost your disaster recovery strategy

You need a strong disaster recovery strategy because unplanned downtime can hurt your business in several ways. It can stagger the flow of your revenue, lower your teams’ productivity, and make you appear unreliable to your customers. Outages may also make you vulnerable to data breaches and, consequently, more likely to incur penalties, especially if you are in a regulated sector like finance and healthcare. [...]

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review your data backup plan

Review your data backup plan

When it comes to data backup, businesses have a lot of misconceptions. Some believe that if they have a backup plan in place, then they're good to go. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It's important to regularly review your data backup plan to ensure your business is protected from data loss.

In this blog post, we will discuss the compelling reasons why you should review your data backup plan to help protect your business from disaster. [...]

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