boost employee engagement

Boost employee engagement through cloud technology

“Engaged employees” might not be the newest management phrase around, but it is still something that businesses want to have for themselves. It’s like having every member of a basketball team emotionally invested in winning the NBA championship. More than wanting multimillion-dollar contracts and product endorsement deals, each member believes in what the team stands for and wants the team to win. [...]

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hosted desktop benefits

How a hosted desktop benefits your business

To understand what a hosted desktop is, let's first take a look at Software-as-a-Service or SaaS. Unlike a software program that’s installed on your laptop, a SaaS app is hosted on the cloud and delivered to your device over the internet. When you use a SaaS app, your device becomes an input interface and output display, but the processing and storing of data is done in the cloud.

Now, think of the apps and functionalities a computer has, but delivered to your device in one neat package over the cloud. This package is a hosted desktop, which is also referred to as Desktop-as-a-Service or DaaS. [...]

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