cloud consolidation

Cloud consolidation: Tech trend to consider

It’s now a cliché to say that technology advances rapidly and the changes it causes can disrupt industries. While not all changes are that dramatic, businesses still have to be vigilant so as not to be taken by surprise. Cloud consolidation is a good example. [...]

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choosing a private cloud

Criteria for choosing a private cloud

Conceptually, the cloud is like a serviced condotel, and cloud storage and other services are like the rooms, amenities, cleaning and maintenance services, front desk, and security services provided to tenants. A public cloud serves “multiple tenants,” whereas a private cloud only has a “single tenant.” [...]

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common hybrid cloud challenges

Overcoming common hybrid cloud challenges

Many businesses have successfully adopted a hybrid cloud and are enjoying the scalability, customizability, and security it offers, but that doesn’t mean moving to such an environment is a walk in the park. In reality, the various steps and aspects of moving to a hybrid cloud may present challenges you need to address early, lest they make managing your infrastructure more difficult later on.

These are the usual challenges with adopting and managing a hybrid cloud and how you can tackle them: [...]

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private cloud

Should you invest in a private cloud?

Did you know that many of the mobile apps you use on your smartphone are powered by the cloud? That is, when you download an app onto your device, you don’t really install the entire program, but only the interface for transmitting inputs and displaying outputs. The bulk of the app — which does the actual data processing — is in the cloud. This means that apps won’t consume as much space and processing power as they would if they were locally installed in full. [...]

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cloud computing in 2022

Cloud computing in 2022

From 2020 to 2021, the ROI for on-premises or on-prem IT infrastructures dramatically went down as businesses implemented remote work setups and powered these with cloud computing. Companies initiated the shift to remote work by adopting cloud-based tools that enabled processes and functions that used to be on premises. For example, with people working in their own homes, face-to-face conversations among coworkers became impossible, so companies utilized tools like Zoom and Google Meet to enable long-distance communication. [...]

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