Your business needs a cloud service provider

Cloud technology, just like cars, has transformed our lives for good. But that’s not to say both don’t come with extensive learning curves. In fact, you can’t apply a “take it slow” mentality with the cloud like you would when learning to drive.

This is because speed is imperative when resolving issues regardless of infrastructure, and it is achieved through years of experience. With that in mind, a cloud service provider is crucial in helping you reap the benefits of the technology without straying into bumpy roads. Here’s how:

Deep expertise

Moving to a cloud architecture will require changes to your existing processes, security setups, and management controls in order to eliminate the gap with on-premises systems. A cloud provider will help you apply these changes while keeping your current and future business needs in mind. Their knowledge concerning the scalability and flexibility of the technology will allow them to work around systems and tackle issues quickly.

Customized solutions

Whether on desktops or in the cloud, cookie-cutter solutions simply won’t cut it in today’s business environment. A dedicated cloud service provider will take the time to assess your IT strategies and consolidate and custom-tailor solutions as necessary.

Take SimplyClouds, for instance. We have extensive experience with Office 365, QuickBooks, ERP, and a plethora of other software. We can even host all your applications and replace your on-premises servers with cloud storage systems.

Centralized network services and applications

Working with a cloud service provider lets you leverage a managed cloud network. This means the provider will manage all your applications and servers in a central data center which increases network availability. By doing so, your mobile workforces will be able to access everything they need through one network. You can use this single system to store files and create backups, too.

What’s more, many providers (us included) offer a converged solution which integrates security monitoring, disaster recovery, and other solutions so you won’t have to deploy them separately.

Robust security

As mentioned earlier, cloud providers today offer multiple layers of security to protect your digital assets. These will likely include 24/7 monitoring, intrusion prevention system, data backup, and creation of security policies if necessary.

Think of it this way: Would you rather store all your critical data at servers onsite or at your provider’s off-site data centers, guarded with advanced security systems like video surveillance, remote monitoring, and biometric scanning?

New levels of support

Once your workload has been migrated to the cloud, it will require a team with a defined set of skills to effectively support it. Partnering with an experienced cloud provider will make sure risks are mitigated proactively and issues are resolved immediately. This is due to the fact that most cloud providers today offer remote monitoring services that enable them to troubleshoot problems without having to visit you onsite.

Not only that, but a reliable cloud provider never works alone, as they’re partnered with other solutions providers and vendors. This ensures better support and gives you the freedom to deploy solutions from multiple vendors, since your cloud provider can act as your single point of contact for all vendor-facing activities.

Cost savings

Working with a cloud provider equips you with an entire team of experts at a fraction of the cost it would take to bring in one dedicated IT staff. And because cloud services are available for a flat monthly fee, you’ll always know exactly how much you’ll pay each month.

Unless you’re certain you have the resources necessary to maintain and support your cloud infrastructure, working with a cloud service provider is a must. The trick is to find one that can walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

At SimplyClouds, we have hundreds of clients who can attest to our expertise. On top of that, we offer SLAs that guarantee your business will experience maximum cloud uptime and efficiency. So if you have any questions about the cloud, or are simply looking for a provider with extensive experience, give us a call and we’ll be happy to advise.

Categories: Cloud benefits, Cloud services, Services, Cloud expenses, Cloud expertise